Covering Arkansas With Unceasing Prayer
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In April 2017, a dream was born to cover Arkansas in unceasing prayer as a collective effort of our churches as "houses of prayer" (Isaiah 56:6-7, Ephesians 2:19-22). Little did we know that God was orchestrating the same dream in other States, eventually giving birth to America Prays: a model to equip churches in 24/7 prayer for spiritual awakening in all 50 States. In February, 2019, at the Arkansas Prayer Summit, we launched Arkansas Prays! Local churches are working together across denominations, ethnicities, generations, and locations to collectively cover Arkansas in unceasing prayer.

Step 1: Adopt
Adopt a monthly half-day or full-day of prayer as a church.
Step 2: Appoint
Appoint a Prayer Coordinator to manage your adopted day and volunteers.
Step 3: Share
Share the vision with your church and invite every member to participate.
Step 4: Recruit
Recruit members to adopt 30-min or 60-min timeslots on your adopted day.
Step 5: Pray
Participants can pray individually or as groups wherever they are.
11 days covered by 25 churches across 8 towns cumulating 432 hours of prayer every month!
Church Sign Up
Add your church to the unceasing prayer calendar!
(To be submitted with pastoral approval)
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Monthly Prayer Guide
I am asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; being strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy. – Colossians 1:9-11
Lord, let this prayer be true of our Arkansas State Legislature and Executive offices. We approach Your throne with confidence asking…
… That our leaders would be filled with the knowledge of your will.
- Guide them to make decisions with your perfect wisdom.
- Help them to find creative solutions to complex problems.
- May they conduct themselves in ways that are pleasing to you.
... That the decisions of our leaders would bear much fruit!
- Multiply the results of their efforts and redeem their time.
- May the people of Arkansas be prosperous and blessed.
- Cause Arkansas to shine as a beacon of hope to the world.
... That our leaders would be strengthened with your endurance.
- Watch over and provide for their families.
- Fill them with your strength when they feel weak.
- Empower them to work with excellence.
... That our leaders would be strengthened with your patience.
- May Arkansas be known for our extraordinary cooperation.
- Show them how to lead according to the example of Jesus.
- Give them grace to communicate constructively.
... That our leaders would be strengthened with your joy.
- Fill them with unshakable joy as they rely on You.
- May their joy overflow throughout their work.
- Let them boast only in your glorious might.
In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen!
Print-Ready Prayer Guide