2023-2024 Annual
Partner Report
"You are symbols of things to come. Soon, I am going to bring my servant, the Branch."
Zechariah 3:8 (NLT)
Video Transcript
Why We Exist:
Servant Leader Network exists to exalt Jesus on earth as in Heaven, where the love of Jesus produces wholehearted worship and the love of His people transforms communities.
What We Do:
Servant Leader Network equips leaders to partner in prayer and the Great Commission.
Building Bridges
God has given us a growing number of opportunities to build partnerships in prayer and the Great Commission. We are privileged to be in this position to build strategic connections that unite the body of Christ.
Arkansas State Capitol
During the fiscal session, I continued serving the Legislator's weekly prayer gathering and the Arkansas Leadership Prayer Breakfast. I also maintained an ongoing presence at the State Capitol and interacted with our state leaders to encourage them.
Expanding Reach
Our social media reach has grown:
- 33,000 Interactions

Building Tools
We have an online resource library where we distribute practical leadership tools to orient and equip leaders for fulfilling the Great Commission in their leadership context. Our library already includes live, on-demand and downloadable materials that are constantly improving and expanding, all available for free!

New App
You are probably familiar with our redesigned website hosting our growing content library. We now have over 175 registered users from around the world and over 90,000 visits in the last year. We also added a companion smartphone app for iPhone and Andriod devices making our content library more accessible than ever.
Download The AppLive Cohorts
We completed 6 Omega Business Live Cohorts with 23 business leaders across the United States. This included the release of Module 2 and Module 3, which now total 18 powerful sessions on prophetic business leadership. We have prepared a new cohort series titled "Intro to Prophetic Leadership," widening the scope to include church, civic, education, and healthcare leaders.
View Upcoming Cohort DetailsZach
"God opened the floodgates in terms of project wins, revenue, and business opportunities…all the glory to Him! Omega Business provided a different perspective on approaching the Great Commission through business/work with Christ."
"Although I do not own a business, I have been able to influence businesses throughout my life, whether with family or friends. I continue to pray for the leadership of the company I serve and see God's grace and blessing in all we do. God is just, God is compassionate, God loves us unconditionally, God cares for us individually, and God answers prayers."

Our Great Hope
We (re)launched the Our Great Hope podcast to dive into Jesus' leadership principles for the end of the age. The Bible contains over 170 chapters dedicated to the unique characteristics of the generation that takes the gospel to the ends of the earth, and we're unpacking them weekly with in-depth notes and discussion in Our Great Hope.
Catch Up on Our Great Hope
On Demand Content
- NEW Omega Business On Demand including Module 2 and Module 3!
- NEW Our Great Hope Season 1
- What You May Not Know About Prayer
- Water Walkers Podcast
- Then The Nations Will Know (pre-release)
- Power of Prophetic Music (pre-release)

New Tools
- NEW ALL Arkansas Prayer Guide
- NEW Then The Nations Will Know
- NEW Arkansas Leadership Prayer Guide
- NEW The Crucified Life of the Early Church
- UPDATED 30 Prayers For Your Community
- UPDATED 21 Prayers For Israel
- UPDATED Overview of the 150 Chapters of the Bible on the End of the Age
- Fasting Practical Guide
- Worship-Based Prayer Service Guide
- Key Biblical Prayers
- How to Maximize Impact With Noncash Giving
- Weekly Prayers for Business Email
- Daily Prayers for Public Servant Email
Building Momentum
We are developing movements that apply what we are learning and helping our partners build concerted momentum toward the fulfillment of the Great Commission, including many local initiatives like Arkansas Prays 24/7 prayer calendar, One Voice citywide prayer, Amplify Festival, and ALL Arkansas.

ALL Arkansas
All Arkansas is a collective effort to show the love of Jesus to every Arkansan in a measurable, relational way by Pentecost 2033.
View ALL ArkansasLooking Ahead
While we prioritize the value of following as the Holy Spirit leads, here is a preview of what we're looking forward to next year.
- Increasing our time dedicated to building new relational bridges in business, government, prayer, and missions.
- Increased involvement in the upcoming 2025 General Session at the State Capitol.
- Completing our first Intro to Prophetic Leadership and Building With Prophetic Leadership live cohorts.
- Releasing new on-demand courses written and on deck to be recorded.
- Releasing a 40-day series covering all 150+ chapters of the Bible on the generation that proclaims the gospel to the ends of the earth.
- There are new seasons of Our Great Hope, with weekly releases on Jesus' leadership principles for the unique dynamics of the end of the age.
- Building momentum for ALL Arkansas, including a full 24/7 prayer calendar and a measurable population database.
Servant Leader Network operates on a fiscal year beginning each July. Here's a quick look at how God has provided for us over the last ministry year. We give God praise and want to say THANK YOU to all of our supporters who helped make the last ministry year possible.

Outlook for 2024-2025 Ministry Year
Thanks to your continued support, we have made outstanding progress toward our 2024-2025 funding goal! A significant percentage of our funding comes in chunks, leaving us with challenging deficit gaps. Please join us in prayer for God's provision and wisdom as we invite partners to fill these gaps through cash and non-cash giving options.
Seeing Giving Options

Thank You
We believe now is the time to pour ourselves into the next generation to proclaim the love of Jesus to the ends of the earth. Your prayers, involvement, and support enable us to provide everything we create freely for Jesus to be glorified. None of this is about us. It's all about Jesus.
We cannot wait to see all that God will do as we build on the last year. It is our great honor to share this journey with you.
Partner With Us
If our content has enriched your journey, pay it forward as a financial partner with Servant Leader Network. Our financial partners enable us to offer all of our content for free as an investment in the next generation of leaders. Join our core group of partners and receive access to partner-exclusive content and behind-the-scenes updates.
Partner With Us